We'd love to introduce you to our Team, Board, and Young Adult Leadership Council

Meet the Team + YALC

The Board

Margi Booth, Co-Chair

Joe Zimmel, Co-Chair & Treasurer

Kristy Baxter

Jody Bellows

David Chard, Ph.D.

George Duran

Jenna Ellis

Shanti Fry

John G. Gantz, Jr.

Alondra Gonzalez

Brian Hindo

Scott Gaynor

The Honorable Thomas H. Kean

Mark Michael

G.M. O’Connell

Cassia Schifter

The Professional Advisory Board

Amber Humm Patnode

Bambi Lockman

Beth Hardcastle

Brittany Hott

Christina Cipriano

Claudia Koocheck

Daniel Ansari

Elizabeth Barker

Erica McCray

Erica Lembke

Heartley Huber

Joanna Christodoulou

Nancy Duchesneau

Samuel Ortiz

Stacey Labit-Moorehead

Tim Madigan

Join Our Team

Join Our Team

Our culture at the National Center for Learning Disabilities is truly like no other. We lead with empathy, energy, and passion. We value diversity and accessibility, and operate under the model that we are human-BEINGs, not human-DOINGs.

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